HUSOE Scholarships and External Funding Opportunities

Financial support is available for HUSOE students through scholarships and graduate assistantships. All HUSOE scholarships are highly competitive whether merit-based or need-based. For full consideration, current students must submit the online scholarship application, along with electronic copies of unofficial transcripts for all schools attended, and two recommendation forms to be submitted by recommenders. Students must provide the recommenders with the recommendation link with enough time for recommenders to submit by February 1st. Recommenders must submit recommendations here, by February 1, 2025 (Late recommendations will not be accepted).  Prospective students should contact the coordinator for their degree program for further guidance on how to apply. 

All applicants must also complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

The deadline to submit the 2025-2026 HUSOE Scholarship Application is February 1, 2025. Deadlines for external funding vary. Students are strongly encouraged to apply to all HUSOE scholarships and external funding opportunities for which they are eligible.

If you have any questions or issues with submitting information, please contact Dr. Kyndra Middleton, Director of Graduate Studies, HUSOE:

HU Graduate School Assistantships and Fellowships

Edward Alexander Bouchet Doctoral Scholars Fellowship

Ernest E. Just - Percy L. Julian Graduate Research Assistantship

Esther Ottley Fellowship

Frederick Douglass Doctoral Scholars Fellowship

Hawthorne Dissertation Research Fellowship

Ronald E. McNair Graduate Assistantship

Sasakawa Peace Foundation Fellowship


Scholarships and External Funding

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc: Congressional Fellows Program

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI): Scholarship Awards 

Ford Foundation: Dissertation Fellowships for Minorities

Ford Foundation: Pre-doctoral Fellowships for Minorities

External Opportunities for Humanities and Education Fellowships

Margaret McNamara Education Grants

NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship Program

NAEd/Spencer Postodctoral Fellowship Program

Paul and Daisy Soros New American Fellowships

Social Science Research Council (SSRC), Philanthropy and the Nonprofit Sector: Dissertation Research Fellowship

Social Science Research Council (SSRC), International Dissertation Field Research Fellowships

Walter Byers Graduate Scholarship