Part IV: General Policies & Procedures

Section 1.0: Graduation Application Process

A student who is a prospective graduate for the summer, fall or spring semester must apply for candidacy (i.e., graduation) and be recommended by the associate dean to the faculty for approval.

  1. Students apply for graduation with the university online via Bison Hub and with the School of Education via TaskStream. The link to the TaskStream Graduation Application can be located on the School of Education website.
  2. The department chairperson reviews all applications and submits the names of approved prospective graduates for that semester to the Associate Dean for Academic Programs & Student Affairs using the Prospective Graduates form.
  3. The associate dean submits the list of names to the faculty for approval.
  4. When final grades are recorded by the Office of the Registrar, the student’s academic advisor will complete a Graduation Checklist for academic clearance. The advisor will then submit the checklist to the department chairperson with the student’s file.
  5. The department chairperson submits the list of approved names for candidacy to the associate dean using the Department Graduation Recommendation form.
  6. The dean recommends candidates for graduation via the Graduation Recommendation on official Howard University letterhead.
  7. The Graduation Recommendation document is submitted to the University Registrar for processing.
  8. The academic clearance and financial clearance list of students is provided to the University Registrar and Bookstore for Commencement Activity purposes. The University Registrar awards degrees based on the dean’s recommendation and clearance status.

Section 2.0: Student Academic Grievance Procedure

The faculty recognizes that students may have concerns, complaints or grievances about their program, a course grade or other formal evaluation, members of the faculty, or another student during their course of study. The following section provides steps for students wishing to file a grievance in situations in which they feel they have been unjustly or unfairly treated or evaluated during their time as students in the School of Education.

In an attempt to resolve grievances expeditiously, students are encouraged whenever possible to pursue informal resolutions (see below). However, students are not required to take this informal path. If students are unsatisfied with the results of the informal process or wish to bypass that avenue, they may pursue resolution through the formal process. Once resolution via the formal process has been initiated, the student may neither institute nor pursue informal resolution.

2.1     The Informal Process

  1. A student who initiates a grievance must first attempt to seek an informal resolution with the other party involved in the dispute (e.g., a grade dispute with the instructor).
  2. If the student is unable to resolve the dispute with the primary party of the dispute, then the student is advised to seek the intervention of the department chairperson.
  3. All disputes not resolved at the departmental level may be brought to the dean’s office, whereupon the dean or the dean’s designee will seek to reach an informal resolution through mediation between the parties.
  4. If mediation at the dean’s level fails, then the student’s grievance is consigned to the committee designated by the school or college to address student grievances, herein referred to as the Judiciary Committee, if the student decides to pursue a formal grievance process.

2.2     The Formal Process

  1. Student grievances are consigned to the Student Grievance Committee. The grievance must be specified in writing by the student and given to the dean or the dean’s designee. The dean or dean’s designee will forward the grievance to the chairperson of the judiciary committee, who then convenes the committee for review of the grievance.
  2. The student’s written statement, along with supportive evidence, constitutes a case document that will be submitted to each member of the committee.
  3. The second party to the dispute is also requested to provide the Office of the Dean with a written account of the matter in dispute, which also becomes a part of the case document that is forwarded to the committee.
  4. The Student Grievance Committee is then required to set a date for convening a meeting to hear the case within a month after the grievance has been submitted to the dean’s office.
  5. After the date has been set, each party to the dispute is sent a certified letter, which specifies the charges, and date of the meeting as well as a statement requesting their presence.
  6. Hearings will be limited to a presentation of the evidence by the student that directly addresses the grounds for the grievance. The second party is allowed to present his/her side of the grievance during the hearing as well. Each party is permitted to have witnesses that directly pertain to the grievance.
  7. Following the hearing, members of the committee deliberate and develop a recommendation for resolution.
  8. The committee chairperson shall prepare a written report of the committee’s decision including any recommendations and submit the report to the Dean of the School of Education.
  9. The dean considers the committee’s recommendations, makes a formal decision, which may be based upon a modification of the recommendations, and then informs the parties in writing of the decision.

Section 3.0: Student Affairs

For general information on the Division of Student Affairs and Student Affairs activities, please see

3.1     Special Student Services
Students requiring special services should contact the Office of Special Student Services, please see

3.2     Howard University Division of Student Affairs​
Please see for additional information regarding the following departments listed under the Division of Student Affairs:

  • Blackburn University Center
  • Office of Off-Campus & Community Engagement
  • Office of Residence Life
  • Student Health Center
  • Office of Student Life & Activities
  • Office of Student Services
  • University Counseling Services
  • Intramural Sports and Recreational Activities

Section 4.0: Bereavement Protocol for Students

4.1     Statement

Howard University recognizes that a time of bereavement is very difficult for a student. The University, therefore, provides the following rights through the bereavement absence protocol for a student facing the loss of a family member while enrolled.

4.2     Scope and Applicability

This protocol applies to all full- and part-time undergraduate students enrolled in the University. Students will be excused from classes for funeral leave and given the opportunity to complete missed assignments or examinations in the event of the death of a member of the student’s immediate family. Students are eligible for up to three (3) days of excused absence from classes over five (5) consecutive calendar days for the death of a parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, spouse, sibling, or a corresponding in-law, step-relative, and/or an uncle, aunt, niece, nephew or first cousin living in the student’s home. Students are eligible for one (1) day of excused absence from classes for the death of an uncle, aunt, niece, nephew or first cousin not living in the student’s home.

In the event of the death of another family member or friend not explicitly included, a bereaved student may petition for bereavement absence through the University Counseling Center by meeting with a counselor for case evaluation.

Students may be granted additional absence days to account for travel considerations, determined by the distance of the verified funeral services as follows:

Within a 150-mile radius of Washington, D.C. – no additional excused absence days;
Within a 150- to 300-mile radius of Washington, D.C. – one additional excused absence day;
Within 300+ miles of Washington, D.C. – two additional excused absence days; and
Outside the contiguous United States – four additional excused absence days.

Students must bring or email an obituary, funeral, or memorial notice or they will face serious consequences, including suspension from the University.

Students must contact the Office of Student Services to request that a notice is sent to professors. Given proper documentation, professors will excuse the student from class and provide the opportunity to earn equivalent credit for missed assignments and examinations.

If the student is not satisfied with the execution of this protocol by a faculty member, the student will follow the student bereavement appeal procedure:

  1. To initiate a bereavement appeal, the student must request a review of the bereavement conflict by contacting the faculty member in person or, in his or her absence, the department chairperson. The student should request the review as soon as the bereavement conflict becomes apparent, and no later than ten (10) days after the end of the semester. The faculty member, or in his absence, the department chairperson, must respond to the student’s request within ten (10) days after receipt of the request.
  2. If the matter cannot be resolved with the faculty member, the student will inform the department chairperson of the disagreement with the faculty member and present the student’s side of the dispute. The department chairperson will attempt to resolve the dispute by consulting all affected parties.
  3. If the department chairperson cannot resolve the dispute to the student’s satisfaction, the student may continue the appeal process by contacting the dean of the school or college in which the department resides. The dean will attempt to resolve the dispute by consulting all affected parties. If the dean cannot resolve the dispute to the student’s satisfaction, the student may appeal to the Provost and Chief Academic Officer, who will consult all affected parties. The decision of the Provost is final.

Section 5.0: Office of Disability Services

Howard University is committed to serving the needs of all students. The Office of Disability Services was created to support matriculating students with documented disabilities. The services provided are in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The goal of the Office of Disability Services is to support students with disabilities so they may participate fully in college life and receive the full benefit of their college educational experiences.

Students wishing to receive accommodations and support through the Office of Disability Services must contact the office directly to register and self-identify, provide documentation of the disability, and provide recommended reasonable accommodations from a licensed physician. Documentation submitted to the Office of Disability Services is kept in a confidential file, which is separate from university records. Documentation should include:

  • A diagnostic statement identifying the disability
  • A description of the diagnostic methodology used
  • A description of the current functional limitations
  • A description of the expected progression or stability
  • A description of current and past accommodations, services and/or medication
  • Recommendations for accommodations, adaptive devices, assistive services, compensatory strategies, and/or support services.

Reasonable accommodations and services may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Academic planning
  • Advocacy
  • Assistive technology
  • Interpreters
  • Test-taking accommodations.

5.1     The Howard University Students with Disabilities Services Guide​

Eligibility Requirements
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1973 and other relevant federal, state, and local disability and anti-discrimination laws, students with documented disabilities will receive reasonable accommodations, as prescribed by a licensed physician. Services will be provided to assist students with disabilities in maximizing their educational potential. The students are provided accommodations from the date of the receipt of the medical/diagnostic documentation. Current disability documentation supporting the disability and the requested accommodations must be provided and presented on the physicians’ letterhead. The accommodations and services provided are not retroactive.

Students Registering for Services and Resources
The Office of Disability Services requires enrollment documentation for each semester for which accommodations are requested. Please visit the link to the Office of the Dean for Special Student Services for steps to complete:

Section 6.0: Academic Policies

The following are other general academic policies.

6.1     Alternate Personal Identification Number (PIN)​

Per the Office of the Registrar, Howard University students need an alternate PIN to register. Students must meet with their academic advisors for advisement in order to obtain the alternate PIN prior to registration. During the summer the alternate PIN can be obtained from the department chair.

6.2     Automated Waitlist​

The Office of the Registrar has added an electronic waitlist system to the registration process for selected courses. When a section of a course fills to the enrollment limit, students attempting to register through Bison Web will receive a registration error message informing them that a waitlist exists. Students will then be given the option of adding themselves to the waitlist for the course. If a student already enrolled in the course should drop it, that seat will not become available for open registration through Bison Hub if there is an active waitlist for the course.

Students must attempt initial registration for the course via the Bison Hub in order to be offered the waitlist option. When a seat becomes available, the first student on the waitlist will receive an e-mail notification to his or her preferred e-mail address (students can confirm their preferred e-mail address on Bison Hub). A student will have 24 hours from the time of the e-mail to register for the class through Bison Hub. It is the student's responsibility to check his/her preferred e- mail once they are placed on a waitlist. If the student does not register for the class during the 24- hour time period, the seat will be offered to the next student on the waitlist. Registration via Bison Hub is available from 9:00am - midnight. Students MUST have an e-mail address on file or they will not receive the notification and lose their opportunity to register.

Any registered class that conflicts with the time of the waitlisted course must be dropped through Bison Hub before or during the registration for the waitlisted course.

Things to Remember: Obtaining a space on a waitlist should not be interpreted as a guarantee of getting a seat in the course. Waitlists will accommodate many more students than are likely to ultimately gain a seat in the course. Longer waitlists enable departments to more accurately gauge the demand for a course. This information can be used by academic departments in future planning.

Time-conflict checking will not take place with waitlisted courses. Students will be permitted to register for courses that meet at the same time as waitlisted classes. This method allows students to retain the flexibility in their schedule to register for an alternate course. It is the student’s responsibility to drop any conflicting classes through Bison Web if a seat in the waitlisted course becomes available. Students may also waitlist for multiple sections of the same course.

Should students change their mind about desiring a place on a waitlist, they should remove themselves from that particular waitlist through Bison Hub, an action which will allow another student to waitlist for that course.

Office of the Registrar – Automated Waitlist

6.3     Registration

The General Registration timeframe for each semester is outlined within the Howard University Academic Calendar. Please note, if you have a financial hold on your account you may not be eligible to participate in registration and should contact the Office of Student Accounts for assistance. Students should visit the course offerings within Bison Hub to locate the courses approved by their Academic Advisor and register accordingly. Students are encouraged to register during General Registration to avoid being assessed the late registration fee of $175. In the case that students need to register following the last day of General Registration, the student will be required to submit a Late Registration Request for Appeal.

6.31     Late Registration Request/Appeal

Late Registration will be approved only in cases with extreme mitigating circumstances. Class attendance without enrollment is not adequate justification for approving an appeal; therefore, class attendance will not be considered a factor when the Office of the Registrar is reviewing a late registration request. The form must be complete with the justification to support the late registration. If the request is approved, full tuition payment for all classes added must be submitted immediately, plus a $175 late registration fee for all original registration request.

6.4     Course Overrides

The course override capability exists for the sole purpose of accommodating those relatively few students who are given permission to either (a) enroll in a class that is “closed,” or (b) enroll in one or more classes that have reasonable time conflicts within the student’s schedule, departmental restrictions, instructor approval, etc. The latter of the override options is facilitated within the School of Education (internal override Appendix H).

Course overrides must be approved by the person(s) designated by the dean or associate dean of each school, college or division, according to the procedure(s) established by such school, college, or division.

6.41     Course Override Instructions For Students​

  1. Obtain the name and Howard-issued e- mail address of your advisor, the instructor of the course, and department chair.
  2. Access the request form. 

    NOTE: The request form is not available except during the active period of course


  3. Enter your name and preferred e-mail address. Also, enter e-mail addresses for your advisor, instructor, and department chair (Howard University e-mail only). Important: All e-mail address must be submitted to complete the request. Incomplete forms will not be processed.
  4. The system will automatically generate an access code and forward it via e-mail to your account.  This may take approximately 10-20 minutes.
  5. Enter the access code.
  6. Read and verify terms and conditions.
  7. Select “Review Document.”
  8. Complete all required fields highlighted in red.
  9. Select “Confirm Signing” on the left side of the document.
  10. Save the document on-line (optional)
  11. Your request will be routed to the appropriate individuals and departments.

Note: If you do not know the name of your advisor, e-mails should be forwarded to an advisor in the Advisement Center of your School or College or to the department chairperson of your major program of study.

6.42     Course Override Instructions for Faculty & Advisors​

  1. Advisors, faculty and chairs will be notified of pending requests via their Howard University e-mail accounts only.
  2. View the documents link in the e-mail.
  3. View and accept terms and conditions.
  4. Select review document.
  5. Override request will display with information the student has provided.
  6. Select “Sign Here” to generate a signature.
  7. Enter your name, change signature style (optional), and then select “Adopt and Sign.”
  8. Select “Confirm Signing” to approve the request.
  9. Save documents by entering your e-mail address and password. If you do not have a password you can create one (optional).
  • Select the MORE dropdown box and hit decline if the request is denied, and provide the reason.
  • The Student Permit Registration Override form in Banner should be used to lift course restrictions (prerequisites, level, program of study, special approvals, etc.)

Office of the Registrar – Course Override

6.43     Internal Course Override Instructions for Students​

  1. Obtain override request form from Department Administrative Assistant.
  2. Complete form with student contact information, course CRN, section number, credits, and course title.
  3. Obtain instructors signature for course in question.
  4. Return completed form to Department Administrative Assistant for processing.

Please note that the student will still need to log on to Bison Web to official add/enroll in the course following the internal override being processed.

6.5     Dean's List

Undergraduate students who are full-time and hold a semester grade point average of 3.2 or higher in both the fall and spring semesters consecutively in an academic year are eligible for the Dean’s List.

6.6     Former Student Returning

Students who have not been enrolled for at least one or more semesters must complete an application for readmission to the university.

6.7     Retroactive Petition​

Circumstances may arise that warrant waiving of registration and/or academic deadlines. Students requesting such action (i.e., adding or dropping a course after the deadline has passed) are required to submit a retroactive petition detailing extenuating circumstances. Retroactive petitions are considered on an individual basis. Submission of a retroactive petition does not guarantee approval.


  1. Students should secure necessary documentation and write a petition letter detailing extenuating circumstances and include their contact information.
  2. The student should complete the petition and submit it to the appropriate department chairperson. Student should also submit a Late Registration Appeal Request form along with petition to the department chairperson.
  3. The department chairperson will review the petition and Late Registration Appeal Request form. If the chairperson supports the petition, the chairperson will make a recommendation for approval through a written memorandum to the University Registrar and through the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Student Affairs.
  4. The departmental chairperson will forward both the recommendation memorandum, Late Registration Appeal Request form and the student’s petition to the associate dean for approval.
  5. The associate dean will review the petition documents for approval. If the associate dean approves, he or she will forward the request to the Office of the Registrar for a final decision.

6.8     Honors Housing

Undergraduate students in the School of Education who hold a cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or higher are eligible for Honors Housing. Interested students will need to submit an Honors Housing Interest Application to the Office of the Dean for consideration. Costs associated with Honors Housing are not covered by the School of Education.

6.9     Total Withdrawal

Students who find it necessary to withdraw from all of their classes for the current semester or for a subsequent semester for which they have already registered must complete a Total Withdrawal Request Form. This form must be submitted by the end of the 12th week of classes for the semester in which they wish to withdraw. The request is initiated online by the student and routed through appropriate offices electronically for approval signatures. Students who are physically unable to complete the withdrawal in person and students who are administratively withdrawn should contact their dean or advisor for assistance. See the Student Reference Manual for important details on Bison Hub.

6.91     Instructions for Students

  1. Obtain the name and Howard-issued e-mail address of your advisor
  2. Access the request form.
  3. Enter your name and preferred e-mail address as well as the Howard-issued e-mail addresses for the appropriate offices. Important: All e-mail addresses must be submitted to complete the request. Incomplete forms will not be processed.
  4. The system will automatically generate an access code and forward it via e-mail to your account.
  5. Enter the access code.
  6. Read and verify terms and conditions.
  7. Select review document.
  8. Complete all required fields highlighted in red.
  9. Upload supporting documentation.
  10. Select Confirm Signing on the left side of the document.
  11. Save document on-line (optional).
  12. Your request will be routed to the appropriate offices.

6.92     Instructions for Advisors or Designees

  1. Advisors or Designees will be notified of pending requests via their Howard University e-mail accounts only.
  2. View documents link in the e-mail.
  3. View documents link in the e-mail.
  4. Select Review Document.
  5. Override request will display with information the student has provided.
  6. Select the MORE dropdown box and hit decline if the request is denied and provide the reason.
  7. Select Sign Here to generate a signature.
  8. Enter your name, change signature style (optional), and then select -Adopt and sign.
  9. Select Confirm Signing to approve the request.

Office of the Registrar – Total Withdrawal

Section 7.0: Ethical, Legal and Accreditation Standards

The School of Education is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) - Programs with specialized national recognition include Elementary Education (The Association of Childhood Education International), Early Childhood Education (The National Association for the Education of Young Children), School Psychology (National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), and Educational Administration (The Educational Leadership Constituency Council/ National Policy Board for Educational Administration). The PhD program in Counseling Psychology is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA).

School of Education faculty will provide information regarding accreditation, professional and ethical standards, licensure and certification during orientations, introductory courses, seminar courses and field experience courses. Howard University School of Education faculty, students and staff are required to adhere to ethical, legal and accreditation standards.

Counselor Education - American Counseling Association (ACA) -

Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) -

District of Columbia Government - Office of State Superintendent of Education OSSE – (Educator Credentials and Accreditation) -

District of Columbia Government - Health Professions Licensure Board – (Psychologists and Counselors) -

Early Childhood Education - The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) -

Education – The Association of American Educators (AAE) –

Educational Administration – The Educational Leadership Constituency Council/National Policy Board for Educational Administration – (NPBEA) - Building and District Level Standards –

Elementary Education -The Association of Childhood Education International (ACEI) -

Psychoeducational Studies and Human Development - American Psychological Association (APA) -

School Psychology - National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) -

Teacher Education - National Education Association (NEA) -

Teacher Education - American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) -