Read about ELPS department events, highlights, and accolades.

Inside the Fall 2024 Edition

ELPS students, alumni, and faculty are making meaningful contributions in their fields and communities. Learn more about their accomplishments and achievements that put the HU mission into action.

Inside the Fall 2023 Edition

ELPS students and faculty have been enlightening diverse audiences with their scholarly research. Check out some of the places they visited this semester.

Inside the Spring 2023 Edition

HUSOE and DCPS work collaboratively, thoughtfully, and intentionally toward the District of Columbia's goal of developing a leadership bench and pipeline. Meet the cohort of school leaders selected for the Wallace Equity-Centered Principal Initiative.

Inside the Fall 2022 Edition

This semester was jam packed with the accomplishment of several milestones, including the award of one Ed.D and 4 Ph.D degrees. We celebrate these milestones and other grant initiatives being led by ELPS faculty and students.

Inside the Spring 2022 Edition

There is much to reflect on as this academic year closes. As an institution, we have faced many challenges as well as many opportunities this last year. We would like to take this time to highlight all of the great things that our staff, students and faculty have accomplished this spring semester.

Inside the Fall 2021 Edition

2021 has been the year that unprecedent times became rather precedented. We have welcomed new students, new staff and new faculty members as we made our way back to campus this fall. This semester has been nothing short of eventful. From thought provoking conversations and discussion posts in class to protests on campus and graduate students unionizing across the nation. Our campuses and schools are shifting.

Inside the Fall 2020 Edition

2020: the year of COVID-19, the mask, the transitioning of Chadwick Boseman, and the showdown of the Biden/Trump election has truly tested our patience, faith, and hope for the morality of our country. Through it all and more, we have remained steadfast in our goals to transform the lives of students and the institution of education by pursuing our graduate degree in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies.

Inside the Fall 2019 Edition

It has been another exciting and fruitful semester for the Department of Educational Policy and Leadership Studies (ELPS). We are proud to bring you the first issue of the school year of the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (ELPS)' newsletter. The Fall semester was an exciting time for ELPS. We had a brand new cohort, and our students faculty and alumnae have been engaging in cutting-edge, nationally recognized work.